Clemco is the world's largest manufacturer of air-powered blast equipment used to clean, deburr, shot peen, remove coatings, finish, or otherwise improve the surface being treated.

From blast pot to nozzle –
We have everything you need for optimal results
The blast machine is the heart of the pressure blasting system. Attention to the proper configuration and compatibility of the machine’s components is crucial and ensures maximum blasting efficiency. Thanks to Clemco’s wealth of experience and commitment to innovation, Clemco products deliver high levels of reliability, longevity, and safety in abrasive blasting.

The blast pot –
Premium surface finishing for a durable coating life
Decades of experience and development form the basis for the design and construction of Clemco blast pots. Top-quality materials and state of the art production methods deliver a product with one of the longest lifetimes in the industry. Abrasive wear, an unavoidable reality, is minimized by the careful positioning of exposed components, which can be adjusted and replaced quickly. Clemco’s inventory of spare parts can keep a blast pot running for decades.

Blast cabinets –
Precise, enclosed technology for compact spaces
Clemco blast cabinets are ideal for the processing of small to medium sized workpieces. The sturdy yet compact design of Clemco’s cabinets ensures that a minimal amount of space and resources are required for simple, convenient blasting. The features built into each cabinet enable blasting with high efficiency and safe work conditions

Automation –
Seamless integration into the work process
Automated cabinet blasting offers distinct advantages for the processing of large-volume production and ensures accurate and consistently repeatable results. In Clemco’s test labs, careful sample evaluation, planning and testing form the basis for the design of a specific automated system. Clemco automated cabinets are designed to perform at peak efficiency while fitting seamlessly into a customer’s production line.

Injector blasting –
Effective portable blasting systems
Clemco injector technology provides robust blast pressure despite low air consumption through finely-tuned components assembled with skillful technical knowledge. The injector blast equipment offers considerable surface coverage and long-lasting power, while keeping the operation highly mobile and as simple as possible.