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INSIGNIA provides highly competent personnel in the field of Writing Specifications, Third Party Coating Inspection, Coating Surveys, Disputes Arbitration. Insignia FZE offers specialized training in the field of Corrosion, Cathodic Protection, Coatings, Refining, Personnel Development and other tailor-made programmes for the Industry. Insignia is the provider for NACE Certification, SSPC certification and other specialist training programs.​



Writing Corrosion or Coatings Specifications:


A clear and concise coating specification is the key to success.  A specification that describes the materials needed, the objectives of the coating, the key procedures, the appearance of the finished coating and the quality control requirements usually assures efficient and high quality completion of coating project.  A specification that is ambiguous, lacking in definition, or provides poor selection of materials is an invitation to disagreements, possible litigation, and early coating failure.
The preparation of a coating specification is difficult because of the many variables involved.  There are hundreds of coating materials to choose from, thousands of facility and material configurations, and a variety of exposures.  There may also be time restraints within which the coating work must be completed.
A good specification should result in a clear understanding between the owner and the contractor.  A clear understanding invites cooperation between the parties involved and is more likely to result in a satisfactory job.




We have highly-trained coatings inspectors provides QA inspection of the painting process on behalf of facility owners in order to provide a greater degree of confidence that the workmanship and quality control (QC) efforts of the contractor conform to the painting specification and contract documents. This is an audit function documenting the contractor’s control of the key stages of the surface preparation and coating application process. This is accomplished through review of QC documentation, daily and periodic visual observations, confirmatory testing and duplicate spot checks of critical coatings inspection hold points (such as surface cleanliness, profile, salt contamination test etc.).​




Third Party Coatings Inspection​


Most Paint Manufacturers need to provide a joint guarantee with the applicator to the client. We have worked on behalf of paint companies to make sure that the applicator follows the requirement, proper procedures so that there is no premature failure of the coatings. Our Experience if this field has ensured that there have been no failures associated with the projects where we have handled the Quality Assurance.




QC Paint Inspection Services for Contractors or Applicators​

The QC paint inspection process begins when all owner-approved submittals are reviewed by and a project-specific inspection plan is developed by the our paint inspector prior to the start of field work.  Our QC coatings inspector performs paint inspection services under the direct supervision of the contractor’s on-site Project Manager during active surface preparation or coating application.  This service includes required QC documentation, daily and periodic visual observations, and in-process QC testing of critical coating application hold points.

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